Do police really care?

THE EDITOR: Ram­ra­jie Gob­in, 49, who was dis­cov­ered hacked to death at her home in Gol­con­da on Sun­day, was de­scribed as an “an­gel.”

Gob­in’s life was threat­ened on many oc­ca­sions and relatives said they made sev­er­al re­ports in the po­lice sta­tion, but they be­lieve more could have been done to pro­tect her.

Many people in TT have been the victims of crime. Are the police working hard to catch those responsible or do we have to go to the police station every day to beg the officers to pursue our case? When we give information do the TTPS use it to find those responsible and identify links between different crimes so that they can take action to prevent other people from becoming victims?

Has the government of Trinidad and Tobago put any systems in place to provide support or advice to help victims of crime come to terms with their experience? What is the TTPS doing to ensure that the public receives the best service possible? Do the TTPS care?




"Do police really care?"

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