Sky cries at Sat's cremation

Mourners endure the pouring rain to witness the cremation of the former secretary general of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha, Satnarayan
Mourners endure the pouring rain to witness the cremation of the former secretary general of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha, Satnarayan "Sat" Maharaj at the Caroni Cremation Site yesterday. - SUREASH CHOLAI

Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha (SDMS) secretary general Satnarayan Maharaj seemed to bring the blessing of rain at his send-off at the Caroni cremation site.

His cremation, after a funeral at the Lakshmi Girls' Hindu College took place under heavy showers. among family, friends, loved ones and the Hindu community.

Heavy grey clouds gathered as they awaited the arrival of his body at the Caroni Cremation Site on the Caroni Savannah Road on Tuesday morning.

A hearse followed by a caravan of cars made its way from the school to the cremation site, while SDMS scouts, pundits onlookers and members stood on either side of the driveway to the site where his final rites would be read.

The crowd trickled in at first, then came in droves.

By the time the pundits were ready to receive Maharaj for the final proceedings, hundreds were gathered in tents on the grounds and at the entrance of the site.

As the hearse entered the gates the rain came down. By the time the pundits took his body out, a heavy downpour descended.

The pundits said prayers over his body amid a thick crowd huddled under a single tent at the entrance. Many of those who could not fit under the tent stood around it in the rain.

Afterwards several pundits picked up his coffin, lined with silk and dressed with flowers, and took it on their shoulders. Several other people picked up the tent itself and carried it as a shelter for Maharaj’s body. The entire procession went slowly through the rain, chanting, “Ram Naam Satya Hai” ("The name of God is the truth"). They went toward the pyre where Maharaj’s body would be cremated after more prayers were recited.

The showers eased as Maharaj was placed in the pyre and his body cremated. By the time the fire had caught, the clouds were empty and only a light drizzle fell on the onlookers.

After serving as religious leader and general secretary of the SDMS, Maharaj, 88, had a stroke on November 14. He died last Saturday.


"Sky cries at Sat's cremation"

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