Children really are our future

THE EDITOR: On Wednesday, TT will join with the rest of the world in celebrating Universal Children’s Day. This day is set aside to place emphasis on the rights of children everywhere and to highlight the need to support and do all that is possible to enhance their lives.

At home we have had over the years some very negative things happen to our own children, which only presses home the point that children are among some of the most vulnerable in society and need special protection.

The abuse of children, whether physical, mental or sexual, is a sad reality and a social ill that is as old as the hills. What is worse, is that in many cases, such abuse is meted out by someone who is in a position of trust such as a parent, a teacher or the "auntie" and "uncle" who seem to be everywhere especially in rural settings.

More must be done to protect our children who really are the future. No form of abuse against an innocent, helpless child is acceptable. But unfortunately, it happens and when it does, we as a society must do all we can, whether individually or as an organisation, to counsel and heal our abused children lest they grow up with a chip on their shoulders and hate in their hearts. We do not want out future leaders growing up with axes to grind.

Thankfully there are people and organisations who make it their business to look out for and support the nation's youth but more can still be done. I speak of the Children's Authority, the Child Protection Unit, teachers, counsellors and parent support groups. But more must be done, especially at grassroot level, to support our children.

We must view ourselves as being in this together. A tree, planted properly and well taken care of bears fruit for all. But a tree planted in poor soil or left neglected will never reach its full potential and would hardly bear any fruit at all. Or if it does, the fruit will be wilted and with a bitter taste.

Likewise, our children need to be nurtured and cared for so they can reach their full potential. When this happens, all of society will benefit. This is a call to TT: let's protect our future by protecting our children.


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"Children really are our future"

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