Sports broadcaster Dave Lamy dies

Veteran journalist Dave Lamy (left) receives the Alexander Chapman Award from President Paula-Mae Weekes, at the TTOC Awards, Hyatt, Port of Spain on December 29 2018. Behind them is TTOC president Brian Lewis. Also in photo is Alexander Chapman (second from right) and TTOC Secretary General, Annette Knott. PHOTO BY ANGELO MARCELLE. - Angelo Marcelle
Veteran journalist Dave Lamy (left) receives the Alexander Chapman Award from President Paula-Mae Weekes, at the TTOC Awards, Hyatt, Port of Spain on December 29 2018. Behind them is TTOC president Brian Lewis. Also in photo is Alexander Chapman (second from right) and TTOC Secretary General, Annette Knott. PHOTO BY ANGELO MARCELLE. - Angelo Marcelle

THE sports and broadcast fraternity lost one of its icons today with the death of Dave Lamy.

Lamy was a sports commentator and journalist with over 50 years experience in local media. He was best known for commentating on horse racing at Santa Rosa Park in Arima and previously at the Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain.

Lamy was honoured throughout his stellar career. At the 2018 TT Olympic Committee Awards Lamy received the Alexander B Chapman award for his service to sports. Details of his death are not clear at this time.


"Sports broadcaster Dave Lamy dies"

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