Getting better?

THE EDITOR: Indulge for a while and consider the things we don't say or hear. I am sorry for the reckless and wasteful use of our resources, we caught a "Big Fish", crime is at an all-time low, there will be no new taxes, we substantially reduced the national deficit, we have exceeded our expectations (not in murders), agriculture is booming, inflation is reduced, meaningful employment is up. I'm responsible for all my children, I refrain from drinking and driving, the service in TT is first class, unions demand workers perform, the PNM has a realistic workable, believable plan for our future – instead of saying "things can be worse", we proudly state things are getting better! We cherish our country, we love our national symbols (not to eat) but as the Ministry of Health advises, is just too sweet to indulge and can lead to further increased, mentally-ill persons in not-so-sweet TT.


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"Getting better?"

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