Let us build a new society

Dr Keith Rowley
Dr Keith Rowley

THIS country despite its challenges, is poised to create a new society. So said Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley in his Republic Day message sent through the office of the Prime Minister on Monday. Rowley is currently in New York attending the UN general assembly.

Rowley, in his message to the nation on Republic Day - celebrated with a public holiday yesterday - said the foundation of TT, made a republic 43 years ago, was laid out in our constitution in 1976, and has instilled in TT nationals a maturity, with which it can build a new and kinder society where people respect each other and themselves.

“The new society is one in which every citizen of this country becomes involved in shaping his/her future in our nation: a place where every citizen will see his/her individual responsibility to keep our streets clean, our communities crime-free, our roadways safe and our children safe and free from abuse and neglect.”

Rowley said despite challenges like falling energy prices, production and revenues, the government continues to put things in place to develop that new society. But he noted with great concern, the state of the youth of the nation who share the same maladies as the youth of the world.

“There are reports which describe some youths as discontented, cynical, bored, violent, aimless and idle. Such a description fits the profile of the socially-disengaged youth which is a feature which is appearing, worldwide. In Trinidad and Tobago, our home, this land of rich history and much promise we still see many of our citizens in significant positions throughout the world.”

There is a need for further empirical work on our youths to enhance our policies and to engage them in very many ways which would instil pride and responsibility into their lives.

It is an area deserving of open discussion, particularly as the language of millennials in the globalised, digital world of the 21st Century is about creating New Societies, using artificial intelligence, 5G-enabled applications, the Internet of Things, radical innovations, technologies, creative lifestyles and, most importantly, new jobs.”

Rowley still lauded TT’s youth for their contributions to a new society. He recognised the nation’s athletes who brought home 56 medals in the Special Olympics in Abu Dhabi, 13 medals at the Pan Am Games, and the nation’s cyclists who brought home gold and silver medals after competing against each other in the finals.

Rowley said these achievements and others would not only benefit this generation but all generations to come. He said these actions would thrust the nation into that new society which would benefit all TT citizens.


"Let us build a new society"

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