Can PM Rowley do like Boris?

THE EDITOR: Accusations of misconduct are flying back and forth between former SSA officer Carlton Dennie and PM Rowley. Each side is accusing the other of lying – which is expected – as racist accusations swirl around both the PNM and the UNC.

Will the accusations by Dennie of orders to fire SSA personnel based on race give the UNC an advantage in the upcoming election?

Can we look to the UK for a possible solution to this conundrum? Prime Minister Boris Johnson was granted a five-week Parliament prorogation by the queen to prevent MPs from blocking a no-deal Brexit.

Can Rowley opt for a similar manoeuvre to hold on to power? Can he ask President Paula-Mae Weeks to prorogue Parliament sin die (indefinitely), or will that trigger a constitutional crisis?

While the UK’s prorogation is excusable – the people voted for Brexit in a referendum – will stopping the MPs from blocking Brexit by shutting down Parliament be considered a legally acceptable ploy?

However, there is no such excuse in TT’s situation; we had no referendum, and the last thing TT voters did was to elect the PNM as the ruling party. Based on the events unfolding daily, it appears the voters are in for an unprecedented general election showdown in the not too distant future.


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"Can PM Rowley do like Boris?"

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