Towards a greater appreciation of life

THE EDITOR: An important way to understand a problem is to see it in a wider context and from different points of view. This is especially important for those who are tempted by, or succumb to, the allurements of crime, especially crime involving violence.

Thinking only of the short-term might seem profitable and gratifying. But there are usually vary bad consequences for human relationships and our country’s democratic foundations, both immediately and later on.

In the worst-case scenario, there could be life without parole or capital punishment, as well as human grief for all relatives of victims and fear for all not involved.

All citizens should be able to see their lives as part of a wider network of life, which includes single cellular life forms (those without a nucleus) and multi-cellular forms (those with a nucleus).

Life forms are typically associated with plants, fish, insects, and animals. But mushrooms and moulds are also life forms, called fungi by biologists. Then there are bacteria, viruses, and animal parasites, to simplify the subject

As a result of the long process of evolution we humans enjoy the distinction of being at the top of the animal kingdom.

May I suggest the Government and our schools show the remarkable documentary Life, with Sir David Attenborough narrating, both to the general public and to all students.

Its various episodes are both very enjoyable and informative, experiences we have learned to expect from this very distinguished English natural historian. Its photography and science are both awesome and admirable, presented in a way that all viewers can understand and enjoy.

Why? I would expect that there would follow a greater appreciation of human life in TT, of our home environments, and of our parks, forests, and beaches. Respect for others and our natural environment is implicit in government policy, but not as clearly articulated as in Attenborough’s remarkable programme. A visual representation captures more forcefully than which is merely written or orally described.

It is a simple one-time expenditure for the Ministry of Education, which would expand both the knowledge and democratic commitments of our people. Its acquisition is really an investment in the development of TT. Simply put, it would be a creative approach to altering the understandings and perspectives of our citizens.




"Towards a greater appreciation of life"

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