Pan Trinbago celebrates Pan Month

Pan Trinbago is celebrating the 27th anniversary of the declaration of the steelpan as the national instrument with a series of activities during Pan Month – August.
This Saturday, a number of steelbands will be on parade at the Laventille Steelband Festival, which will take place on the Eastern Main Road from 4 pm.
The following day will be Church Service Sunday, scheduled for the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Abercromby Street, Port of Spain at 8 am. At this service there will be the blessing of the steelpan, members and the bands’ flags.
Trinity All Generation Steel and Daniel Gulston will perform, after which a parade from the church will end at Pan Trinbago’s head office, corner Duke and Melbourne Streets. There, festivities will continue with the Steelpan Appreciation Day event, beginning at 12 pm.
The Pan & Powder parade is an initiative of Carifesta XIV in collaboration of Pan Trinbago, and will see steelbands move from City Hall, Port of Spain to the Carifesta Grand Market, Queen’s Park Savannah, on August 21, from 5 pm.
The following day, Massy Trinidad All Stars will host Pan Pinnacle, with an invitation to visitors for Carifesta XIV, as well as the public. This event will be held at All Stars panyard, Duke Street, Port of Spain at 7 pm, with a cover charge.
On August 24, there will be Pan Sweet Pan – The Solidarity Concert, at Starlift House of Music, Christopher Samuel Drive, Mucurapo, starting at 5 pm, also with a small cover charge. A number of top bands will perform at this event, among them, Massy All Stars, BPTT Renegades, Desperadoes, Republic Bank Exodus, FC Supernovas, NGC Couva Joylanders, Skiffle, MHTL Starlift, Shell Invaders, Silver Stars and a Tobago band.
On August 25, it’s Pan For the People at Carl’s Big Yard, Coal Mine.
Conversation with The Pioneers takes place August 29, at All Stars Pan Theatre, Duke Street, Port of Spain from 6 pm. The audience will be treated to performances by a tamboo bamboo band and drumming as well as oral contributions by several pan elders.
An exhibition will also be mounted by the Success Laventille Networking Committee
On Independence Day August 31, there are a number of brunches. The Newtown Playboys annual Independence Brunch starts at 6 am at the panyard on Tragarete Road, Port of Spain, followed by its street festival starting at 12 pm.
Also on Tragarete Road, is the Shell Invaders Independence Brunch at its panyard at 7 am, but pan lovers can also opt for another brunch at Starlift House of Music, starting 11 am.
Later on Independence Day, from 6 pm, the ever popular Pan On D’Avenue Steel & Brass Parade will take place on Ariapita Avenue, Woodbrook. This event is a production of the Woodbrook/St James Community Association, and will feature many top steelbands.
"Pan Trinbago celebrates Pan Month"