Thanks Raymond, from behind the scenes

THE EDITOR: I have had the honour of working with theatre icon Raymond Choo Kong on several productions as the stage set designer – The King and I , Mahalia and Alter Boyz, to name just a few.

His production meetings were focused and while explaining the needs of the show, he allowed the creative juices of designers to flow.

“Just make it happen,” he would say to me, quickly followed by, “Make it look eh.”

He valued everyone on stage and ackowledged their roll with importance, even though we were all dressed in black and trying our best to be hidden from the view of the audience.

He was equal in praises and corrections in dealing out his show notes, at the end of which you knew you had learnt something.

On behalf of all the stage crews and designers, the people behind the scenes, “Thank you, Raymond.”

We too join everyone in giving you a standing ovation.


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"Thanks Raymond, from behind the scenes"

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