Why no talk on Guyana?

THE EDITOR: It is sickening to see that Caricom prime ministers continue to ignore the damning political situation in Guyana following the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) ruling that the December 2018 no-vote of confidence in the Guyana House of Assembly was fully constitutional.

We hear coming out the talks that the heads discussed Haiti and Venezuela situation at last week’s conference in St Lucia, but not a word on Guyana, which continues to be the spoilt child in Caricom. This means that the entire leadership of the Caricom is guilty of discriminatory practices when the name of Guyana boils up. Similarly, it tells us that Caricom is playing hide-and-seek when it comes to Guyana.

And not a word nor a drum was heard on Guyana. What Caricom leaders are perpetuating is lawlessness to the maximum, yet they all pay lip service to democracy, free and fair elections and the like, when in their own caucus, there is the culprit whom they ignore at all times.

Call a Caricom meeting and move its headquarters from Guyana, as if it continues to be present there, it would certainly signal and represent the demise of democracy and free elections in that country.

And all leaders, both past and present, are to be held responsible for this decay in Guyana, and probably in other Caricom countries.We are not hearing a word about Guyana. But we hear about Maduro’s actions in Venezuela. We hear about Haiti. Caricom leadership is totally fake, false and fruitless.

I shudder to think that the Caricom countries are on the brink of decay. Caricom assemblies are a total waste of time and human resources. The CSME issue keeps boiling up, but what decisive or fruitful decisions are on the way?

Perhaps it is time that we scrap Caricom and let each individual country row its own boat. Let’s take a look at what is happening with the European Union, as soon the bell would ring for its demise.

Paras Ramoutar via e-mail


"Why no talk on Guyana?"

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