Toddlers need constant supervision

THE EDITOR: My sincere condolences go out to parents and all those connected to that toddler who lost her life in that unfortunate freak accident. I am well aware of the pain and the deep hurt caused by this and do hope they will find strength from God to stand in this trying time.

I am a bit concerned by the numerous freak accidents involving children over the years which end up in their young lives being snatched away. In no way am I condemning anyone but rather, I am alerting all to the importance of looking over those toddlers and giving them constant supervision.

It only takes a few seconds for a toddler to innocently find him/herself in imminent danger and it so easy for their young lives to be snuffed out. They need constant supervision at this formative age as they do not recognise any dangerous situation for what it is. And this has been the case with the tragic loss of this young girl's life.

I appeal to all parents and care-givers, please give the toddler in your charge the necessary supervision for it is the only thing standing between the child and injury or death.

Arnold Gopeesingh, San Juan


"Toddlers need constant supervision"

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