Polygraph tests a good move

THE EDITOR: I see polygraph testing for the police service as a great move. It's nothing new, in fact, it takes place in the private sector. Such tests are all the more important in the TTPS given the great responsibility upon these men and women on whose shoulders is thrust the safety and protection of citizens and maintenance of public law and order.

And we all know how great temptation can be especially among those in authority. Our officers should not see this as a negative or become intimidated by this move. I personally believe there are valid reasons for this type of testing and serious consideration on the pros and cons would have been given before suggesting this.

I am not being judgmental towards anyone, but we have had some issues in the past with some of our officers in the service, the evidence of which is there consistently in the public domain via charges laid by the Professional Standards Bureau.

However, I am not in agreement with polygraph testing for only officers based at stations in the southwestern peninsula. Polygraph testings should be done routinely throughout the entire police service. How did our police commissioner arrive at the conclusion that polygraph tests should only be done in divisions in the southwestern peninsula?

Officers in this part of the country could rightly feel as if they are being targetted unfairly by the police powers that be. Dishonesty and corruption is widespread and most certainly not only contained in the southwestern peninsula. If there is an honest attempt to clean the service of "bad eggs," then why not have the polygraph tests for all divisions? From captain to cook, all should be tested. That to me is only fair and transparent.

If officers are doing the right thing, there is no reason to panic or fear the polygraph/drug test. In fact, it can work in your favour by removing all doubt by relevant parties. On another note, I wonder if our politicians shouldn't also do the same.

Arnold Gopeesingh, San Juan


"Polygraph tests a good move"

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