Deyalsingh: Opposition dislikes TTRA

Terrence Deyalsingh
Terrence Deyalsingh

HEALTH Minister Terrence Deyalsingh on Wednesday alleged the Opposition has never supported the creation of a revenue authority nor similar governmental measures to produce personal financial accountability such as explain your wealth legislation. “It was crystal clear from day one that they would not support it because they are afraid of tax collection,” he told the House of Representatives as it debated a parliamentary committee report on setting up the TT Revenue Authority (TTRA).

“They are desperately afraid of anything that will shine light onto illegal activity in this country. One must ask why.”

Deyalsingh alleged two Opposition members (Wade Mark and Barry Padarath) on the JSC had indicated they could not attend meetings for two months, so stymieing the committee’s work.

“The Minister of Finance (Colm Imbert) had the patience of Job. He showed tact and courtesy dealing with this type of behaviour.”

Deyalsingh said Couva South MP Rudranath Indarsingh had earlier been wrong to criticise the Finance Minister for not filling vacancies when this was the job of the Public Service Commission. He said formation of the TTRA would lead to better tax collection and so better satisfy public demands for services. He cited Amcham CEO Nirad Tewarie as supporting the creation of the TTRA, and University of the West Indies lecturer Shelly-Ann Wilson. Deyalsingh named countries which have a revenue authority such as the UK, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore, Jamaica and Barbados. Lamenting the illicit import into TT of guns, drugs, endangered species and trafficked/smuggled people, he said the TTRA would help secure TT’s borders. “You protect your borders not only by physical means, but by legislation.” He urged the Opposition to be patriotic.

Deyalsingh said the TTRA would improve the collection of data, and so help the Planning Ministry. Debate on the bill was adjourned to a future sitting.


"Deyalsingh: Opposition dislikes TTRA"

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