Young signs deportation orders

National Security Minister Stuart Young. 

Photo: Sureash Cholai
National Security Minister Stuart Young. Photo: Sureash Cholai

NATIONAL Security Minister Stuart Young on Tuesday disclosed he has signed deportation orders for non-nationals in TT. Young made the disclosure in response to a question in the House of Representatives. He was asked whether three Venezuelan nationals who were reportedly detained in a police exercise over the weekend were illegally in TT and whether they would be deported. Young said he spent a lot of time in his office on Monday "signing a lot of deportation orders."

He did not say how many orders were signed or the nationalities of the people involved. After noting the Venezuelan migrant registration process was completed last week, Young reiterated, "we said before hand we will be applying the laws of TT to all after the registration process, all of the Venezuelans and that is exactly what has been done."

He also reiterated that any non-national in TT who breaches the country's laws will be dealt with accordingly. Young observed the Opposition "continue to have this unnatural affliation and attraction to what is going on with Venezuelan nationals."

Young said full details of the migrant registration process and its cost will be provided once he receives the information. He reiterated that this information will include the number of Venezuelan men, women and children who were registered.


"Young signs deportation orders"

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