Fathers should continue to be good role models

RHONDALL Feeles, president of the Single Fathers’ Association, yesterday said it is his hope that the cultural perception of fathers in TT continues to change.
In an interview, Feeles said since the association started in 2012, they have been able to raise a lot of positive awareness and instil the value of fatherhood in many.
He not only urged fathers, but all citizens, to continue to appreciate fatherhood.
"I will like to wish a happy Father's Day to all fathers of TT and by extention, the world. I hope those who have issues, where they are not allowed to see their children because of court matters which are pending, and custody hearings, that get in the way of them doing so, keep their children in their hearts. I know it is hard at this time."
Feeles said research and statistics show that young men who are prone to violence and crimes come from homes where there are no father figures.
"I am not saying a mother is a bad parent or a absentee father are the only reasons why children turn to a life of crime or become criminals.
"But, if this is what we are seeing, in terms of the information being provided, I think there must be a greater commitment from the State, particularly the Judiciary, to ensure that fathers who want to be involved in their children lives are given that opportunity."
Feeles said there was a greater desire from fathers to be involved in their children's lives, especially since they themselves grew up without their fathers.
"I think we understand the dire need for fathers to be involved in their children's lives."
Feeles also acknowledged that step-fathers, uncles or brothers can also step in the role of "father-figure."
"Fathers should continue to be good role models"