Opposition 'doth protest' too much, says Al-Rawi

Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi
Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi

ATTORNEY GENERAL Faris Al-Rawi says the Opposition is afraid of the Civil Asset Recovery and Management and Unexplained Wealth Bill 2019, while Government members could withstand scrutiny.

He was winding up debate on the bill in the House Monday.

"I have noticed the Leader of the Opposition calling on the Government, and me in particular, to explain wealth. And I would like to say this law allows for that. And this Government and these members are capable of withstanding scrutiny."

He stressed the law has no exemption for sitting members of government and puts the attorney general first in line under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

"But it is not members of this Government that have stories about pumpkin patch and about nuts selling and about $60 million mansions sprawling over acres being built by contractors with their name painted off of the side of equipment. It is not this Government that finds itself in those circumstances; it is other people outside of this Government. And when you are protesting up and down the country with pumpkin patch, nuts and contractor building your house to what is the size equal to a mansion then you have difficulties."

He said there were people in public life outside Parliament or have held political office in the past with "sprawling acres of mansions on palatial standing, with pool tables worth $4 million and ivory and gold-plated" when on a ministerial salary. "I think that you are protesting too much," Al-Rawi said.

The UNC wanted to frighten people over the law and have raised the "bogey" of the need for a three-fifths majority, he said, however, the law encompasses what existing civil law provides and was not going further than common law, which has been recognised for decades and does not require a determination of guilt.

The Opposition bench murmured during his contribution and Al-Rawi, directing his question to Speaker Bridgid Annisette-George, asked, "Can Siparia (MP and Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar) behave herself please, respectfully?" Annisette-George told Persad-Bissessar and Barataria/San Juan MP Dr Fuad Khan she was being disturbed and gave them due warning.

Al-Rawi said: "Thou doth protest too much. Thou doth protest too much, Siparia."


"Opposition ‘doth protest’ too much, says Al-Rawi"

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