539 more voters for Sando West

SOME 539 voters will be transferred into the traditionally marginal constituency of San Fernando West now held by Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi said an 2019 report of the Elections and Boundaries Commission, titled Review of Constituency Boundaries, laid in the House of Representatives yesterday.

Conversely, some 1,512 voters will be transferred out of the marginal seat of Toco/Sangre now held by Ministry of National Security parliamentary secretary Glenda Jennings-Smith.

The report names a dozen seats where polling divisions are being shifted to or from neighbouring constituencies, but San Fernando West and Toco/Sangre Grande are the only seats that are traditionally marginal. The former gains voters from San Fernando East, while the latter loses voters to Cumuto/Manzanilla.

In the 2015 General Elections, the People’s National Movement (PNM) won San Fernando West by 10,112 votes to the 6,802 earned by the United National Congress (UNC.)

That year the PNM won the Toco/Sangre Grande seat by 12,005 votes to the UNC’s 8,101. Otherwise the recent EBC report indicates the country’s total number of registered voters to be 1,120,631, (comprised of 1,070,957 in Trinidad and 49,674 in Tobago), up from 1,099,279 voters in TT in 2015.


"539 more voters for Sando West"

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