‘Night with Champs’ delights Savannah crowd

Pan Trinbago President Beverley Ramsey-Moore said she is “overwhelmed” at the success of Carnival Lagniappe A Night with the Champs held at the Queen’s Park Savannah on Saturday evening.
Ramsey-Moore was seen standing in the Grand Stand enjoying the performance of Dil E Nadan.
Carnival Lagniappe was produced by Pan Trinbago in a matter of days as the executive was uncertain about putting on a show.
Ramsey Moore said members were calling for the show so they decided to share it with the public. “It is really a show for our members who spend just about four months in their panyards and cannot really enjoy the Carnival. They don’t go to fetes like other people do. Bringing back all the top artistes of the season to perform for them so they too can get a taste of the Carnival.”
Carnival Lagniappe featured Calypso, Mas and Pan from the champions of the just concluded Carnival all performed like it was still a competition.
Arranger Duvone Stewart appeared on three occasions with the Small (T&T Defence Force), Medium (Pan Elders) and bp Renegades (Large) steel orchestras.
Zebapique Productions’ Junior Band of the Year (3rd place) was the pre-show entertainment and children seemed to enjoy playing mas for a second time.
Junior Panorama champions Shell Invaders kicked off the night with their rendition of Madness. They were followed by the Junior King of Carnival Nikolai Jagdeo who was joined by the Junior Queen of Carnival Jermiah Walters. By the time Classix Promotions Mas Mas Ah See Yuh hit the stage it was like Carnival all over again. They won the Junior Band of the Year.
Calypso Queen Natasha Nurse aka Sexy Suzy performed her winning number The Wrong Name. Mighty Trini (Robert Elias) received a warm welcome by the Grand Stand audience and he delivered 101 Per cent.
While Trini was performing inside the Grand Stand, Single Pan Champions San Juan East Side Symphony set up on the main stage. They gave a fantastic performance of Carlon Harewood’s arrangement of Iron Man.
Karene Asche also gave a very good performance of Loko Broko being the runner up in the national Calypso Monarch competition. She was followed by Pharoah (Dawren Greenidge) with Formula.
Small Conventional champions T&T Defence Force was up next with Maxi Dub and Duvone Stewart made his first appearance.
National Carnival Commission (NCC) chairman Winston “Gypsy” Peters and Myron B went at each other in an Extempo battle with a difference. Pannists Len “Boogsie” Sharpe, Dane Gulston and Yohan Chuckaree provided the Santimanitay melody.
Medium conventional steel orchestra winners Pan Elders were already set up on stage and the programme flowed smoothly.
Pan Elders played Duvone Stewart’s arrangement of The Will to loud applause from the audience. As Pan Elders moved off Queen of Carnival Shynel Brizan eased on, towering over all on her stilts with her portrayal Mariella Shadow of Consciousness.
Runner up in the King of Carnival competition Tekel Sylvan came on stage as A Peacock Becomes the Window of the Universe. This was another masquerader on stilts giving his costume great movement.
The programme continued with mas as the overall Band of the Year K2K’s Through Stained Glass Windows. This presentation solicited a roar from the audience.
Iwer George performed Blessings and called on members of the audience to come forward.
Boogsie came back performing Pan Talent before he ushered in the Calypso Monarch Ronaldo London with his wining number Man’s Imagination.
Groovy Soca Monarch Swappi was a no-show but the show continued with Desperadoes. They did Iron Love which placed them second in the competition.
The hottest act for the season Farmer Nappy thrilled the audience with Hookin Meh.
When he finished, the Panorama champions bp Renegades followed, then Nadia Batson.
She had everyone singing Long Time with her. Dexter “Blaxx” Stewart also put on a very good performance.
Just after 11 pm Dil E Nadan performed for just about an hour and not one person left the Grand Stand before they were finished.
Stage managers St Clair Thompson and Lennox Toussaint must be given credit for running a very tight show while Pan Trinbago must take a bow for a very good production
"‘Night with Champs’ delights Savannah crowd"