Healthcare continues to fail us

THE EDITOR: From the hostile customer service to the lack of medical machinery to poor administration, healthcare in this country continues to deny citizens the proper service we deserve.

Why as a country are we not utilising a proactive approach in identifying the recurring failures in the healthcare system and putting measures in place to avoid continued failure?

Instead, we continue to hear nightmares of citizens waiting hours or days for a bed while personnel stand by without a solution in sight.

The lack of knowledge and expediency in handling urgent care continues to be a defective characteristic of our failed system.

The personnel operate as though a person’s life is not at stake. Citizens continue to die due to neglect and the authorities continue to cover up the root cause of these deaths as families are left with unresolved concerns and questions.

Our healthcare system continues to be plagued by failure after failure yet we are not implementing new systems to protect the patient.

A friend recently watched her mother suffer strokes while hospital staff were not equipped to handle the emergency. The hospital had waited hours to tell my friend the required machinery was not working and that her mother would need to be taken to a private doctor. By then her mother had suffered so much that less than 24 hours later she passed away.

Please tell me who is negligent here. A woman, a mother, a grandmother, a sister, an aunt is dead. How many more people must suffer and meet their demise before those in authority address the dysfunctionality and ineffectiveness of our healthcare system?

We have a brand new hospital with modern equipment rotting away as those in power play politics with our lives. Madness!



"Healthcare continues to fail us"

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