Wounded man drives dead friend to police station

A Kelly Village man, though seriously wounded, was able to reach the Caroni police station with a dead friend in his car to report an attack by gunmen.

Faraz Rampersad, 28, told police they were ambushed by two assailants who riddled his Hyundai Tucson with gunshots. He and his friend, 23-year-old Nicholas Janet of Frederick Settlement, Caroni, were hit. At the station, Janet who was in the passenger seat, was declared dead. Rampersad was taken to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mt Hope, where he is fighting for his life.

Janet’s body was taken to the Forensic Science Centre in St James.

The incident took place around 8.45 Thursday night. One man is said to have been arrested.


"Wounded man drives dead friend to police station"

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