Waterfront $$ better spent elsewhere

THE EDITOR: On hearing of the $143 million San Fernando Waterfront Project, one cannot help but compare this to putting a plaster on a cut that not healing. Just as the plaster camouflages the infected cut, so will the waterfront project detract from the major issues facing San Fernando.

Yes, I agree the city requires an economic, social and financial boost. However, investing this amount of money on a waterfront uplift that in less than two years will look like a dump is not the solution.

You see, here in Trinidad we are not known for maintenance and upkeep. Littering continues to plague our nation with no end in sight. What about the element of safety on this project? Will that be considered? As we witnessed with the Chaguaramas double murder incident, safety is key to these types of “enhancement” projects.

Why are we neglecting the infrastructure, healthcare and social issues facing San Fernando to put something “nice?”



"Waterfront $$ better spent elsewhere"

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