‘No sleeping with devil to win’

Opposition Leader
Kamla Persad-Bissessar
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar

PUTTING her party on a election footing, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar vowed to work to regain support from the population for a refreshed United National Congress (UNC), in her New Year’s message.

“In January 2019, we will convene a national assembly where we shall announce the opening of nominations for local election candidates and sometime thereafter opening of nominations for general election candidates,” she disclosed.

Promising to rejuvenate TT, Persad-Bissessar said, “Our plan is based on getting our nation working again.”

Offering a new generation of young leaders guided by the experienced, she promised, “new faces, new names, diverse backgrounds, new ideas” to move the UNC and the country forward. Persad-Bissessar promised a renewal of the UNC. “Reconstituting the UNC as it was pre-2015 will not be the way forward, neither will short cuts and coalitions. For the past three years we have been quietly rebuilding the party with a focus on diversity, youth, meritocracy and competent experience.

“We will continue to rebuild rather than seek out unsustainable short-term short cuts and quick fixes.”

The order of the day will be hard work, proper planning, efficient execution, promotion of new talent and merit. “Days of sleeping with the devil to win are over. We will put God in front and walk behind. God helps those who helps themselves.”

She said 200,000 man-hours of fieldwork and analysis had led the UNC to win the Barataria by-election and get the most votes in the 2016 local government election.

Persad-Bissessar admitted to past errors, but said her government of 2010 to 2015 had been one of compassion that had improved ordinary people’s lives.

“We admit that we weren’t perfect and mistakes were made and the UNC and myself accept responsibility. Some may still have misgivings in supporting us which is understandable and this is the reason changes are being made, we will earn back your support.

“But I also request that you honestly ask yourself are you better off today that you were in 2015?”

Persad-Bissessar accused the Rowley Government of poor governance and a lack of vision and care for the people, resulting in hardships seen in 2018.

“Criminal activity continues at unacceptably high levels and we saw the regrettable statistic of 520 murders recorded by the end of 2018 – the highest number this decade.”

Despite a commendable increase in activity by the Police Service, people continue to feel insecure and afraid. Crime has impacted the lives of citizens who also face a rising cost of living such as higher food bills.

“Our economy has been mismanaged to the point of near collapse, and the growing level of joblessness is worrying. As we head into a New Year, thousands of citizens are jobless, as the Government has failed to do anything to create new jobs.

“I am aware of these critical problems facing us which are hindering our country’s path to growth and prosperity. I know, too, that despite the difficulties, you have shown determination and commitment to building a brighter future for our country.

“On behalf of the UNC, my family and myself, all blessings for 2019.”


"‘No sleeping with devil to win’"

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