Work hard andmake TT abetter country

THE EDITOR: Generations before, parents and guardians taught children to listen to reason, to work hard at school, get a job and earn an honest salary. Since the coming of television, however, people want everything they see that others have.

Watching what others have is never going to get you the same. There is always going to be someone doing better than you.

I blame parents for the violence and crime in TT today. They are responsible. Those that found themselves pregnant but did not want the responsibility of raising a child.

David Abdulah says “capitalist society lauds greedy people.” But many companies became successful because of the hard work, long hours and dedication of the employers and in many case employees. Many sacrifices were made along the way.

Money does not fall from the sky, it is achieved by being well brought up, educated and then applying many years of hard work and holding on to honest money earned.

People must stop the excuses, go out and get an honest job and contribute to making TT more peaceful and beautiful, with everyone doing their share.



"Work hard andmake TT abetter country"

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