FireOne MD backs fireworks consultations

FIREONE managing director Andre Abraham yesterday welcomed National Security Minister Stuart Young’s plans to hold consultations about firewworks in 2019. Young made this disclosure after indicating that plans to ban the importation and sale of scratch bombs in TT remain very much on the cards. Young told Newsday, “I intend to have consultations with stakeholders on the wider aspect of fireworks in the new year.” He did not elaborate on the format on these consultations or what their ultimate objective would be.

Abraham said FireOne would be “more than open” to participating in these talks.

Despite operating under outdated legislation governing the use of fireworks, Abraham said FireOne has gone the extra mile to ensure the products it sells to the public are safe and of a high quality. He said FireOne’s products conform to standards employed by the National Fireworks Association and the American Fireworks Standards Laboratory in the United States.

Through the company’s marketing campaign, Abraham said FireOne encourages its customers to use fireworks only between 6 pm and 2 am on Old Year’s Day and New Year’s Day. On one hand, Abraham said this allows pet owners and senior citizens to prepare themselves to deal with a limited period of fireworks’s usage. He said this also permits people who enjoy fireworks to celebrate in a positive way.

Describing the fireworks industry as one based on passion and not profit, Abraham said it is unfortunate there are unscrupulous people who import and sell illegal explosives like scratch bombs in TT.

He said many of these explosives lack proper labelling or components which would tell the user whether the explosive is live or not.

Noting there are several laws in TT which are archaic or not rigorously adhered to, Abraham said there must be consequences to people’s actions.

On Cabinet’s decision on November 22 to ban the importation and sale of scratch bombs, Young said, “As Minister of National Security, I have written to the Attorney General indicating the particulars of what I intend to to ban (inter alia, importation and sale of) and requested that the appropriate order be drafted. He added, “The AG assured me that it would be a priority.”

Young also said, “There is no need to amend any legislation. The Minister of National Security has the power via order, to ban importation and sale.” He explained this is outlined in Section 37 of the Explosives Act. Section 37 states, “The minister may by order, prohibit absolutely, or subject to conditions or restrictions, the manufacture, keeping, importation, comveyance and sale of any explosive which is of so dangerous a character, in that judgement, it is expedient for the public safety to make the order.”

Section 38 of the Act adds, “If any explosive is manufactured in contravention of any such order, all or any part or ingredient of the explosive which may be found either in or about any place, or in the possession or under the control of any person convicted under this section, may be forefeited, together with machinery, implements and utensils used in the manufacture; and the person so manufacturing is liable on indictment to a fine of $20,000 or to imprisonment for ten years.”

Should such an explosive be imported, kept, conveyed or sold of any such order, Section 39 states that “all of any part of the explosive may be forefeited.” People in breach of this section are also liable on indictment to a $20,000 fine and ten years in prison. But this section does not extend “to any such explosive imported or unshipped under and according to a license granted by the minister.”

Under Section 35 of the Act, only a licensed wholesale dealer is allowed to import an explosive into TT. Section 35 (1) states this person must obtain a license from the minister to do so. The minister has the absolute discretion to refuse or grant the license. No license is required under the Explosives Act for the importation of safety cartridges.


"FireOne MD backs fireworks consultations"

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