Love each other

Port of Spain Archbishop Charles Jason Gordon
Port of Spain Archbishop Charles Jason Gordon

ARCHBISHOP Jason Gordon has called on Christians to love each other.

“If we understand that then we must also understand the next part of the story…We now are called to love one another and that means we are called to be vulnerable to each other, we are called to be humble to each other, we are called to empty our self, both to allow God in and to allow others in.”

The archbishop made the call in his Christmas message as he called on them to meditate on the way calls on them to love.

“This Christmas, let us really rejoice in the amazing way God has loved us, and let us ask God for this gift of love to so fill our hearts that this love will pour out of us to everyone around.

“Look especially to those who are lonely, who are sick, who have no one to look for them and care for them. This Christmas, make sure to reach out to someone you know or someone you've never known before, but someone who is in need and help them. Love them. Be the love of God for someone else this Christmas.”

Gordon said Christmas was a season of incredible joy.

“This is the season when we celebrate the gift of all gifts. God sent his son into the world for you and for me. What more is there to celebrate and what better gift can we receive?”

He said God’s gift of his son came as a baby because a baby was the most vulnerable of all and had a way of making everyone child-like.

“You ever notice people around a child? ‘Goo-goo, ga-ga’ and people start to get on like they are little infants themselves.

“It has a way of disarming us and has a way of making us powerless and vulnerable. If God has come in a mighty chariot and winged horses and great chariots through the sky with angels surrounding, we would have no choice we would bow in fear, trembling... We wouldn't know what to do. But then, God couldn't offer us love.

“God comes as a little baby because he is inviting us to love. And who cannot love a baby? Once you see a baby your heart melts your whole life just goes and it is that which God has done in sending his child as a baby.

“It is a way of saying, I will be vulnerable to you because I want you to know love…And I want you to know my love…And the relationship I want with you is a relationship of love, not a relationship of power, not a relationship of fear, but one of live.”


"Love each other"

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