What direction is TT taking?

THE EDITOR: Sometimes it is very difficult to see what direction TT is taking. A whole new trade and finance universe is unfolding in the Orient and instead of entering into it, we seem to be doing the worst thing we could do – fine-tuning a specialised niche suited to the strategic plans of just one nation, the US.

Are we following a disaster concept? We terminate jobs to sell more gas. We slice out money supply from our economy by cutting benefits and destructuring expatriate commitments. We compromise our tax laws that restrict us to the network frame of the US Federal Reserve. We fail to enforce our tax laws that already have bite.

We do not use available low interest rates to restructure our debt and capital. We insist on rotten timing and idle down industry so that it will be worth even less by the time we want it restarted. We keep the economy underpinned by a more and more uncompetitive US dollar market.

If this is what is going on it is hardly a realistic formula for a strong future economy; and meanwhile what the plus side is that would compensate at least with brighter prospects is not readily identifiable.

E GALY via e-mail


"What direction is TT taking?"

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