Govt must never tolerate domestic abuse

THE EDITOR: We all have a role to play to ensure that crime and violence levels are significantly reduced in this country.

The purpose of this letter is to address primarily the Government’s role in bringing crime levels down because it has vast resources at its disposal and the power to shake things up and make positive things happen.

Domestic violence is unfortunately on the rise in TT and includes acts of violence between people who are in, or have been involved in, an intimate relationship. The violence may range from physical, sexual, financial, emotional or even psychological abuse.

Psychological abuse includes controlling behaviours such as verbal threats, keeping the abused person from family and friends, using finances as a means of control, and public humiliation and embarrassment.

My solution would be to give courts greater powers to implement tougher sentences on individuals found guilty of domestic abuse and violence. The message sent must be loud and clear that domestic abuse in any form will not be tolerated.



"Govt must never tolerate domestic abuse"

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