Rubbish from the master puppeteers

THE EDITOR: Clarence Rambharat has warned that climate change can threaten our food security. The Anglo-European-American establishment as a master puppeteer never tires of devising ways of pulling the strings of its dancing Third World puppet leaders.

The supra-national lending agencies under its control – the World Bank and IMF – together with its respective subordinate institutions, never grow weary of operationalising round after round of wealth extraction from countries they continue to bleed by vacuuming the real, tangible wealth they covet for their development from the pliable, gullible and spineless characters who pose as leaders of “emerging economies.”

In a predictably cyclical fashion, in round after round of primitive accumulation framed euphemistically in palatable platitudes, they reel out their financial fishing nets – easy credit made available through an abundant money supply the West creates by printing paper (fiat) currency, at low interest rates.

When the time is right, they are rewarded for the “work” they do in creating money out of thin air – quantitative easing – as “bait” for Third World puppet leaders. These immoral puppets are also players in the game because they too receive a hidden (compliance) reward.

The international financial institutions (IFIs) reel in their nets when they decide to increase the rate of “usury” (interest rate on the borrowed printed paper money). In this way, the western establishment repeatedly plunders the real assets (mineral resources, valuable land, non-territorial seabeds, and UN votes) of developing nations in the name of a corrupt system that enjoys the protection provided by an equally immoral legalistic framework – globalism.

So accustomed has the global deep-state grown to its routine cyclical plunder of the poor and vulnerable led by wolves in sheep skins, it has grown careless in trying to cover its crime. The World Bank has gone through the trouble of publishing an expensive, glossy brochure – “Inflation in Emerging and Developing Economies” – that warns poor black people that their efforts at achieving upward mobility will again be stymied (as usual) because of an “acceleration of global inflation.”

The World Bank calls the lies it peddles a “study.” It says that its “study” documents “the confluence of structural and policy factors that have fostered low global inflation” over the past 50 years. Responsible for this economic miracle, the IFIs tell us, has been the “unprecedented international trade and financial market integration.” So, they are praising global economic integration through one side of their collective mouth.

Through the other side of their versatile mouth, they also tell us that it is a “great challenge” to maintain low inflation rates in an integrated global economy. So, it seems that globalisation by itself can do tricks with inflation rates at the appropriate time. They, therefore, issue a warning to poor ignorant countries that they should create “nuanced policies” (whatever that means) to “mitigate the impact of global food price shocks on poverty without adverse side-effects.”

This malignant coalition of western corporate-controlled government establishment would have us ignorant stultified plebs believe that an “invisible” hand, not at all controlled by their malevolent selves, like the movement on a Ouija board, mysteriously moves – even to the point of starving poor people to death.

When will some poor leader stand up and be counted among men, by telling these Anglo-Saxton hypocrites to cease spouting their manipulative and deceitful rubbish?

STEVE SMITH via e-mail


"Rubbish from the master puppeteers"

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