Better crisis response needed

THE EDITOR: One thing we have learnt from the Great Flood is that our local government system is not working. Many citizens could not identify their councillor, yet in times of a community crisis it is precisely the local government representative who should be co-ordinating relief.

We need to encourage the establishment of village/neighbourhood councils which collaborate with the area councillor. Each local council should know the names of residents and the most vulnerable ones out of the residents. If neighbourhoods are organised by streets, then in times of disaster, the vulnerable could be assisted first.

Local co-ordination ensures that supplies would be distributed in a timely and equitable manner...and to those who need it the most. Relief would not be attendant upon a visit from the MP or the chairman of a Regional/Municipal Corporation. As it is, NGOs and good Samaritans provide aid but the distribution is haphazard and leaves room for abuse and downright thievery.

Perhaps we can ask the Cubans how they have organised their communities to respond during hurricanes.



"Better crisis response needed"

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