Thanks for the music

THE EDITOR: I once asked Mr Winston Bailey, why he stopped using Mighty before his sobriquet Shadow. His response was that: "Only God is mighty!" This was the measure of the man very few knew. He used to lament about his music being played in the dance clubs of Europe and no royalties were forthcoming to him.

He was a man of few words but he was a prolific composer with the ability to integrate the everyday experiences of the common folk into his lyrics and music. Who can forget the line, "Who leave the condensed milk open?/Come here yuh picky head good fuh nutten" from his immortal Poverty is Hell.

Those who grew up in his era and after, may remember that condensed milk was the purview of mothers and children drank cows milk or cocoa tea. Condensed milk was expensive and one had to ensure one was not caught putting it on a Crix biscuit or any of the other things it was used to adorn and add sweetness to. Most people may say that Bassman was his greatest hit.

I will always love the immortal words from the unforgettable Music. "Music fills the world with happiness/plenty sweetness and togetherness/music have no friend or enemies/everybadday could dingolay". Condolences to his family and thank you Shadow for gracing us with your music.



"Thanks for the music"

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