Heartless PNM politicians

THE EDITOR: It is unbelievable and it is the first time in my life that I have ever heard of a government, faced with a natural disaster in which their citizens are suffering and some left homeless, is refusing to accept aid from outsiders.

I can't help feeling that there is something rather fishy here. I can't really believe that our politicians have lost all sense of compassion especially since the economy is in such a mess, by refusing to accept voluntary help in view of our present situation.

They seem to be acting as mechanical robots without a human brain. Despite the claim that accepting such help will lead to corruption or whatever, something they should be able to prevent, any aid received here will in the end be beneficial to those citizens in distress who have lost their homes and are in dire need of financial support and other assistance.

It would now appear that the PNM politicians are men and women are made of stone and should be removed from our political structure as soon as is possible.

G.A. Marques via email


"Heartless PNM politicians"

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