Encouraged to break the law?

THE EDITOR: The last time I checked it was illegal for pedestrians (and cyclists, mopeds etc) to use the highway. But apparently this does not apply to OWTU/Petrotrin workers. How else do you explain these workers being allowed/encouraged/protected by the police to walk along the Solomon Hochoy/Uriah Butler/Churchill-Roosevelt Highways?

I would probably be generous if they occupied the shoulder only, but you had police vehicles blocking an entire lane of the highway, creating traffic congestion.

Boy, I’ve never seen so many police “protecting and serving” so few people. Now, if only they could be around when there’s a real traffic jam, and help to ease the situation, rather than just drive along the shoulder escorting those black SUVs with the blinking blue lights (are those legal?).

Another thought: I’m sure if the workers put as much gusto into their jobs as they did in marching, Petrotrin would not be in the position it is today. But then again we’re talking about only 40-50 of about 2,000 workers. If this was the “mother of all marches,” I feel sorry for her sickly 12-ounce baby.

A CHARLES, Mount Hope


"Encouraged to break the law?"

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