Electric cars are the future

THE EDITOR: While the Minister of Finance deems some taxi drivers heartless for wanting to raise fares, what is really heartless is the CNG fuel dead end the Government wants to lead the country down. Time will not look favourably on this initiative.

Transportation has already gone electric worldwide and is not coming back and anybody paying attention would know that. Amid this massive shift to electrification it is disappointing to see our Government ignore electric cars and hybrids in favour of CNG.

This is a huge mistake and had me wondering how connected we really are to world trends. There is no wave of CNG coming in the transport world.

The Government should be making a strong push to build a charging infrastructure and to hasten the adoption of the hybrids, plug-in hybrids and full battery electric vehicles that manufacturers are tripping over themselves to produce.

This is a small island barely 50 miles long in a time where multiple electric vehicles on the market are approaching and exceeding 300 miles of range daily while putting a dent in the likes of BMW sales (by their own admission).

Electrification and not CNG will reduce the fuel subsidy dramatically, mitigate the pain drivers feel at the pump and isolate taxi commuters from the rise in fuel prices.

EVRON LEGALL via e-mail


"Electric cars are the future"

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