More for Crime Stoppers: higher rewards for info

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In an effort to provide further incentives for people with information that can be used to capture criminals, government has proposed a $2.5 million cash injection into Crime Stoppers, Finance Minister Colm Imbert said as he spoke on allocations to national security during his reading of the budget this afternoon.

Imbert said Crime Stoppers was a valuable asset in obtaining information and the interdiction of criminal activities, and proposed the allocation in an attempt to maximise productivity. This investment will take effect from January 1 2019.

He said this figure will also be used to raise the cash reward for wanted individuals, depending on their priority according to the police. The highest reward for information is currently $10,000.

"To further incentivise persons to offer information, we are proposing that rewards up to $100,000 be offered for information on the 25 most wanted criminals as identified by the TTPS which will lead to the successful conviction of those persons.

"The focal point of this strategic intervention will be crimes related to murder and kidnapping."


"More for Crime Stoppers: higher rewards for info"

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