Faith calls on THA to take responsibility for sea/air transport

Minority Councillor, Dr Faith BYisrael is calling on Chief Secretary Kelvin Charles and other members of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Executive to remember their responsibility to Tobagonians and businessmen to ensure a reliable and efficient air and sea bridge transportation service.

In an interview with Newsday Tobago on Tuesday, BYisrael described current measures for cargo transportation as disappointing with the Cabo Star dry-docked for maintenance for ten days, as from September 20, and no replacement in place to get cargo to Tobago.

“The THA cannot take a stance that they are not going to speak to or they don’t know anything about issues that so negatively affect Tobagonians,” she said.

“They should have done everything in their power to ensure there was a credible replacement and not just say some trucks can go onto the TT Spirit fast ferry, which we are seeing is now causing chaos for many truckers.

“…. If we continue this way, it will damage the economy of Tobago and if they continue to ignore the fact that the economy of Tobago is being damaged, Tobagonians will speak at elections in 2020,” she added.

bYisrael further contended:

“This continues to show that PNM in Trinidad, PNM in Tobago does nothing for Tobagonians, does nothing for Tobago’s people and we continue to suffer.

“The THA is responsible for advocating for Tobagonians but they act as though this air and sea bridge issue is not under its responsibilities. What they need to do is understand they are supposed to be the chief advocate for all Tobagonians and our major and minor issues.

“The fast ferry is not built for that kind of work. It’s unfortunate that the PNM-led central government and the PNM-led Tobago House of Assembly continues to disappoint and continues to actively fight against business in Tobago.”

BYisrael contended that the THA was given enough time to force the hands of the Port Authority to negotiate a proper solution to transport cargo to Tobago without any disruptions.

“When it was announced that the Cabo Star was going on dry-dock, I know for a fact that members of the Tobago Chamber asked the Port Authority what was the replacement, where they (Port) said the Atlantic Provider was going to be sourced and that vessel would be put on the route,” she said.

She said when Port officials were asked whether the Atlantic Provider was available, knowing it left the service after experiencing a number of mechanical issues, the response from PATT was that the owners said the issues would be fixed and the vessel would be made available in time. “What we realized after was they told us we now have to use the fast ferry as no solution was sourced,” she said.

Minister of Works and Transport, Rohan Sinanan has said he was satisfied that the Port Authority would have done all possible to put measures in place for cargo transport with the Cabo Star proceeding on dry dock.

“This happens all the time. The Port would have planned for this months ago, informing all stakeholders they would have put on additional sailings,” he said.

One week ago, Lyle Alexander, Chairman of the Port Authority, told Newsday Tobago that TT Spirit would operate daily, including on Wednesdays, transporting both passengers and cargo, while the Cabo Star was on drydock.

Alexander said only vehicles up to 7,000 kg would be allowed on the T&T Spirit, and that “anything heavier than that we won’t be able to transport.”

In August, the Port had had four additional sailings of the Cabo Star on Saturdays to have truckers and businessmen transport goods to stock up for the ten-day period until the Cabo Star returns on October 1.

Horace Amede, President of the Truckers and Traders Association, noted, however, that these additional sailings of the Cabo Star were of no benefit as Trinidad merchants had stopped extending credit to the island’s businessmen, until money owed on previous purchases were paid up.


"Faith calls on THA to take responsibility for sea/air transport"

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