No action on Harry...yet

Harry Ragoonanan
Harry Ragoonanan

DUE process is taking place and no final decision has been made as yet after the appearance of PNM member Harry Ragoonanan before a disciplinary committee last Thursday.

Speaking with the media after the PNM’s general council meeting on Saturday, chairman Franklin Khan said the committee interviewed Ragoonanan and natural justice is taking its course. Khan did not say what further steps, if any, the committee will take adding that the party did not want to discuss the matter further as it was still under the purview of the committee.

Ragoonanan, who was suspended from the party last year, was brought before the committee regarding his alleged involvement in the procurement of buses for the Public Transport Service Corporation (PTSC). A recording of someone sounding like Ragoonanan allegedly engaging in an illegal activity surfaced recently, which the State claimed they had nothing to do with.

Ragoonanan had called the disciplinary committee a witch-hunt – a claim party leader and the Prime Minister has denied. On August 12, Ragoonanan along with UNC member Devant Maharaj and attorney Nyree Alphonso held a joint press conference to highlight concerns about the purchase of two Australian patrol boats.


"No action on Harry…yet"

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