Zoological Society: Ibis being heavily poached

THE ZOOLOGICAL Society of Trinidad and Tobago (ZSTT) has congratulated the Government on the impending signing of the legal notice declaring the Scarlet Ibis an Environmentally Sensitive Species (ESS) adding the national bird was being heavily poached.

ZSTT in a release on Monday commented on the signing of the legal notice on Thursday which culminates an almost year-long process undertaken by the Environmental Management Authority (EMA).

"The ZSTT expresses its thanks to the EMA for responding to the request of the Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, Senator the Honourable Clarence Rambharat at a time when the Scarlet Ibis was being heavily poached and current enforcement measures were not serving as a deterrent."

ZSTT said calls were being made from all fronts, especially social media, for stricter protection and heavier fines.

"By pursuing ESS status for the Scarlet Ibis, Minister Rambharat was able to respond effectively to the situation. The penalty for offences committed against an ESS is a fine of $100,000 and imprisonment for two years. This is one hundred times the existing penalty and provides the strictest protection available under existing national laws."

ZSTT said recognition was also due to Planning Minister Camille Robinson-Regis, EMA line minister, "for the support given to bring this designation to fruition."


"Zoological Society: Ibis being heavily poached"

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