Husband, wife murdered in Williamsville

A GARDENER and his common-law wife were found murdered in their home at American Flat, Kumar Village, Williamsville yesterday afternoon. Dipchand Heeralal and Radha Baldeo were shot multiple times. Police said that a handyman went to the house shorty after 4 pm and called out to Heeralal also called Kumar.

When he did not get a response he looked inside and saw Heeralal covered with blood on ground in the living room.

A short distance away was Baldeo slouched under a table. The couple are in their early 50’s and Baldeo has adult children from a previous relationship.

Residents told police that they last saw the couple alive on Wednesday at around midday. So far, police are treating the case as a double homicide as preliminary evidence showed that the couple may have fought the killers.

Councillor Vashti Sookhoo was among several curious onlookers yesterday and described Heeralal as a quiet and gentle person.


"Husband, wife murdered in Williamsville"

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