Suspect remains mum

POLICE arrested him at the murder scene of Kavita Jokhan with bloodstains believed to be hers on his clothes, but the suspect has not confessed to the crime.

Up to last evening, a gardener from Bonne Aventure in Gasparillo remained mum on the murder. Crime scene investigators still have not found the weapon used to bludgeon Jokhan, the mother of one. Her eight-year-old son from a previous relationship lives elsewhere with relatives.

Homicide Bureau Region III police were preparing a file to submit to the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for instructions on whether to formally charge the suspect with murder.

On Wednesday, Jokhan, 29, a housewife, was beaten to death in the garage at her home at Coco Piece, Bonne Aventure. A neighbour found her covered with blood.

Jokhan’s common-law husband of six years heard of her murder on his way home from Marabella, where he works as a mechanic.

The suspect joined other curious villagers and looked on as the police processed the crime scene. Villagers noticed bloodstains on his clothes and told police, who arrested him.

Police said yesterday that the suspect had been convicted of chopping someone years ago and had served jail time for it.

Jokhan, also known as Lisa, was cremated on Saturday after a funeral service at her home.

PC Rambhajan of Homicide Bureau Region III is investigating, supervised by Insp Darryl Corrie.


"Suspect remains mum"

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