Official Cyd Gray complex coming

The Roxborough Sporting Complex is to be officially named the ‘Cyd Gray Sporting Complex, Chief Secretary Kelvin Charles announced last Thursday at the Tobago House of Assembly plenary at the Chamber, Jerningham Street, Sacrborough.

Responding to a question for oral answer brought by Minority Leader Watson Duke, who claimed that a promise was made to rename the complex upon completion, and queried the plans by the Executive Council to do so, Charles said:

“Our research does not support the contention that a promise was made at completion, but it does support the view that a commitment was made to name the complex the Cyd Gray Sporting Complex.

“This Executive Council shall execute the promise, however, there are some repairs that need to be done to the complex. Instructions has been given so that some engineering works can be done, preceded of course by the necessary estimates and budgetary allocation.


"Official Cyd Gray complex coming"

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