Adults need to help young people

MONSIGNOR Christian Pereira, Administrator of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Port of Spain says there is need for adults in society to help the younger generation. Pereira yesterday said many adults are not providing a framework for young people in which to face their challenges.

“It is really a symptom of depression young people are going through in TT, and as a society, adults are not supporting young people by precept or by example. It is highly important for the mother of the medical student who destroyed the Statue of St Paul and the crucifix, to seek medical help or counselling for her son,” he said.

Asked if the parent will compensate the church for the damage, Pereira said, “It is going to be a very difficult demand and I will not make that demand from the parent. The parent now has more important ways to spend money by trying to get medical help or counselling for her son and to me that would be more important than paying for the statue.”

“The challenges young people are having today are not really different from what young people had many years ago but what is certainly different is the fact that society is not as supportive or focused on helping and guiding our young people.” Asked if any similar incident occurred in the past he recalled, “Many years ago during the 1970 black power uprising, statues were painted black,” he said.

Pereira said it is so easy to write off the mistake and condemn young people but he will do no such thing. Pereira said the cost of repair and replacement will be borne by members of the congregation.


It was reported that the incident occurred during the 6.30 am celebration of Mass on Palm Sunday. While the congregation gathered in the Cathedral forecourt for the blessing of the palms, the young man damaged the statue. He was held later by worshippers.


"Adults need to help young people"

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