Patasar: Be patron of artistes’ organisation

ICONIC local musician Mungal Patasar has expressed hope that newly inaugurated President Paula-Mae Weekes will become the patron of an artistes’ organisation. He explained that through such an organisation artistes will be able get together in a meaningful way.

“Because one of the problems with our artistes is that we land in the hand of sharks who exploit us and the artiste does not earn anything from the art. I think the whole goal right now, the thrust right now, is to form an organisation that incorporates all genres of art and have a patron like the President.”

He was speaking with Newsday yesterday at a reception for Weekes at the National Academy for the Performing Arts, Port of Spain. Patasar said he was extremely happy for her inauguration.

“It is always good to have somebody who was immersed in the law to dispense justice when necessary.” He said the role very important to maintain the status quo of the old regime of the country and to give a certain amount of dignity to the republic.


"Patasar: Be patron of artistes’ organisation"

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