4 players to represent TT in table tennis at C'wealth Games

FOUR players will represent this country in table tennis at the April 4-15 Commonwealth Games in Australia.
This was the decision arrived at on the eve of the legal showdown between France-based duo Dexter St Louis and Rheann Chung who have complained of being unfairly treated by the local Table Tennis Association.
The four players who will go forward to the Gold Coast games – the two originally selected players Aaron Wilson, Yuvraaj Dookram and St Louis and Chung.
Before the local courts was a legal challenge mounted by this country’s most decorated players, who questioned the process used by the association to select 19-year-old Wilson and 22-year-old Dookram to the team and Arun Roopnarine as the reserve.
The pair is seeking damages for breach of contract, conspiracy and unlawful interference and an order that the issue is resolved through the T&T Olympic Committee (TTOC)’s arbitration process. In defence of the lawsuit, the TTTTA is claiming that the two were informed via e-mail of the selection criteria and chose not to participate.
"4 players to represent TT in table tennis at C'wealth Games"