Students told use downturn as motivation to do better

PORT of Spain Mayor Joel Martinez on Wednesday told secondary school students, the impact of the economic change in the country, as well as the effects of the economic downturn, must never be viewed as a deterrent, but instead as a tool to motivate and inspire them.

Martinez was addressing students at the UWI-Roytec Open Day 2018, Exploring Your Possibilities with UWI-Roytec, at the National Academy for Performing Arts, Port of Spain.

He encouraged the students to position themselves to stay afloat and ride the waves, by taking proactive steps to sharpen competitive edge, and overcome forthcoming challenges.

“I take this opportunity to encourage all of our young people to equip yourselves with the relevant skills and knowledge so that you can compete and flourish on the global stage. You must also adopt positive mindsets and attitudes towards lifelong learning and global thinking throughout your career path and your future professional life.

“To the UWI-School of Business and Applied Studies, I commend you for taking this initiative in extending a hand of camaraderie to our students in preparing them for entry into the workplace. We must continue to encourage our students systematically at various levels of their development throughout our Education and Career Guide Programme, such as this open day event,” he said. Martinez also told the students’ parents to treat with their parental role as critically important in the career development of their children in their formative years, as they integrate into young adults.


UWI Roytec executive director Wendy Augustus said it was the first time they held an open day, and it was part of their larger strategy to help develop and grow the youth of Port of Spain and to make a difference.

She said generally there has been a drop in enrolment in TT among tertiary education institutions because of the new GATE funding policy.

“It has become the new normal and we have to work around it and try to convince students and provide them with information to help them make the right choices because they are now paying for their education.

Some of the schools attending included St Anthony’s College, Mucurapo West Secondary, Bishop Anstey, Diego Martin Central, St Joseph Convent, Diego Martin North and Mucurapo East Secondary School.


"Students told use downturn as motivation to do better"

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