Sicko arrested in ‘sting’


A 25-YEAR-OLD Cunupia man who pretended to be a professional photographer and advertised in the papers for models was arrested during a ‘sting’ operation on Thursday night by officers of the Central Division Police.

The arrest came after a 19-year-old student told police that she was attacked and raped after responding to the advert.

According to reports, the suspect who placed advertisements in all three daily newspapers was arrested at his home after the teen university student reported to the Cunupia police that she was raped when she went to what she thought was a photo shoot at a remote location. The victim further told police that before the man raped her, he set up his camera equipment and recorded the rape.

A police party headed by Snr Supt Inraj Balram of the Central Division and including ASP Smith, Insp Alexander, Sgt Pierre, PCs Khan, Brown, Rajpat and WP Maharaj-Hughes went to the home of the suspect and arrested him. Police also seized the suspect’s computers and cellphones.

Police said they found a huge collection of videos and photographs of young women being raped.

In light of the arrest, police are calling on victims to come forward as they continue investigations into the shocking discovery.

In an unrelated news, an autopsy on the body of Roger Lewis of Santa Flora revealed he died of blunt force trauma. Lewis, 45, a father of two of Jacob Settlement was found dead on Thursday under the rubble of a house which he began demolishing on Tuesday night.


"Sicko arrested in ‘sting’"

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