No major hiccups at Dimanche Gras show

UNLIKE last year’s event, Dimanche Gras 2018 was devoid of any major hiccups.

Additionally, the rain, which threatened to derail the show, never materialised, allowing for an almost seamless flow until its curtains drew around 1.30 am yesterday.

Titled, The Power and the Glory: From Mucurapo Stadium to the Grand Savannah, the props used as the stage’s main backdrop were visibly scaled down, possibly to reflect its theme.

It featured a barrack yard-type setting, reminiscent of those of yesteryear.

Veteran entertainer David Rudder, dressed in white, launched the proceedings, with his song The Power and the Glory.

This was followed by a traditional mas procession, featuring several Carnival characters, to reflect the transition from Mucurapo Road to the Savannah.

At a strategic juncture in the production, the props were also changed. Soca artiste Iwer George sang his road march contender, D’Savannah, which awakened the Grand Stand crowd.

Patrons also seemed to welcome the return of the King and Queen of Carnival competition which proved to be an enjoyable feature of the event.

The audience also showed love for ace pannists Dane Gulston, Johann Chuckaree, Natasha Joseph, Ackenola Sennon and Mikhail Salcedo during a pan ramajay segment.

Soca artiste Shurwayne Winchester delivered a medley of his songs while Dil-E-Nadan whipped the crowd into a frenzy with an interlude comprising some of this year’s popular selections.

Among those making special appearances were Olatunji Yearwood, Junior Calypso Monarch Duane O’Connor Jr, Turner, David Bereaux and Friends and Nikolai Jagdeo and Jeremiah Walters, the junior King and Queen of Carnival, respectively.

Dimanche Gras producer Dr Rudolph Ottley told Newsday he would give his views on the show today.


"No major hiccups at Dimanche Gras show"

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