Gas query in court

THE Petroleum Dealers Association wants to know if a retail marketing licence granted to National Petroleum for a Diego Martin gas station was in contravention of certain requirements of the Petroleum Act.

The question is one of six the PDA has asked a High Court judge to determine.

The association yesterday received the go-ahead to challenge several decisions by the Energy Minister, including whether the licence granted to NP for the Diego Martin service station contravened the publication requirements of the Petroleum Act.

Among the other decisions the association is questioning is whether the delegation of a retail marketing licence, issued under the act, was unlawful. The court is also being asked to determine whether retail transactions can be carried out at petrol filling stations by an operator who was not the holder of a licence; and whether a party can undertake activities directly connected with petroleum operations which are not prescribed by ministerial order or do so without a licence.

The association has also asked the judge to determine whether the implementation of a new policy of denying applications for licences to dealers in favour of granting licences to NP without consulting the association is lawful and contrary to their legitimate expectations.

Justice Avason Quinlan-Williams on Thursday granted the association leave to have the court determine whether the decisions were legal.

Representing the association were Fyard Hosein, SC, Sasha Bridgemohansingh, Aadam Hosein, and Anjali Maharaj.


"Gas query in court"

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