Lalla supports Facebook law

ATTORNEY Larry Lalla yesterday said he supports the call for accountability in Facebook posts as espoused in Monday’s ruling by High Court judge Justice Frank Seepersad. The judge had said that defamation as an offence under existing laws can be committed in online social media platforms such as Facebook and had suggested fresh legislation be passed to compel IP providers to disclose the identity of such offenders who hide behind fake identities online.

Lalla said, who is active online, “The judgement re-stated the law of defamation to individuals on Facebook. It didn’t change the law but applies it to a new forum.” He viewed Seepersad’s call for laws to reveal a defamer’s identity as “a very good suggestion.”

“A tendency is developing in TT and elsewhere for people to unfairly tarnish individuals on social media. This must stop. A legislative intervention will go a long way top ensure that practice is stopped.

“I hope the Attorney General (Faris Al-Rawi) has taken note of Justice Seepersad’s judgement and will give consideration to bringing to Parliament legislation to address the judge’s concerns.” Newsday was unable to contact Al-Rawi.


"Lalla supports Facebook law"

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