Beetham youth must dare to dream

THE EDITOR: It was in the middle of the morning, on Thursday, when a group of misguided Beetham youths decided to foolishly throw debris on the road to impede drivers on the east-bound lane of the highway.

It is believed that this was in response to police action earlier on Thursday when several people were arrested. The problem of crime starts with ourselves. Too many people are negative reactors. We are comfortable doing almost anything to defend our so-called territory, even if it means blocking the highway with waste and throwing bricks into the traffic and as a result, unfairly infringe on the boundaries of others.

Beetham youth must drastically change the way that they have been conditioned to think. This is not something that is easy to do in this crime infested nation. Violent and heinous crimes are on the rise in this nation with little hope of an immediate solution to solving crime and bringing criminals to justice. Conditioning youth to thinking positive and about solutions to difficult problems is not a part of their nature. It’s something that’s difficult to imagine, let alone do.

The key to shifting the youths perspective and developing in them the habit of dreaming big involves teaching them the importance of stepping outside themselves and into another persona.

Youth must dare to dream like a World renowned musician or artist who has an uncanny ability of creating something out of nothing. Youth must dream and think like a professional athlete who has the will to persist and overcome any obstacle standing in their way. Youth must dare to dream like a Noble prize winning scientist who meticulously works through big problems in small ways or youth must be taught to dream like a billionaire entrepreneur who knows no limitations in thought or action.

I am calling on the youth of this nation to turn away from a life of crime and step into any of these people’s shoes, and you will immediately gain a different perspective about your life and the circumstances that are confronting your reality.

You will immediately begin to think and dream bigger, more clearly, creatively and problematically, which will help you break down the walls that are preventing you from living the life of your dreams.

In order to dream big you must think from the perspective of having no limitations and no fears. It’s as though life is designed to go in your favour, breaking down all walls and obstacles that are standing in your way, thus releasing your unlimited potential to develop the habit of thinking big, acting big, and doing bigger things than you ever thought were possible.



"Beetham youth must dare to dream"

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